Neurodivergent Employees: 10 Crappy Consequences for Not Making Accommodations

My last article discussed the importance of embracing neurodiversity in the modern workplace. When you bring on Neurodivergent Employees and reap their benefits, you got to provide accommodations lest face the consequences. Here, we explore ten potential consequences of not accommodating neurodiversity in the workplace and the importance of taking this issue seriously. You can even Set Your Free Appointment on GET IN FOCUS VA to know more about us. 1. High turnover rates: Neurodivergent employees may feel unsupported and unable to work in an environment that does not cater to their specific needs. This can lead to high turnover rates and disruptions to workflow, which can be time-consuming and costly for the company. 2. Decreased customer satisfaction: Neurodivergent employees often excel in customer service and other interpersonal tasks. A lack of accommodations can lead to unhappy customers, resulting in reduced customer loyalty and a decline in business revenue. 3. Low productivity: With support systems in place for neurodiversity, productivity within the working environment will likely improve, leading to increased workloads for management teams and decreased productivity overall. 4. Damage to reputation: If news gets out that other businesses are providing better accommodations for neurodivergent workers, word will spread, and a company’s reputation may take a hit. This can, of course, lower the organization’s ability to attract top talent… not to mention the bottom line! 5. Stressed employees: Employers who do not make provisions for neurodivergent employees may have stressed-out staff members. The lack of accommodations can result in high levels of absenteeism due to mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, caused by feeling unsupported at work. 6. Costly litigation: If legal action is taken against a business due to its lack of accommodation for neurodivergent employees, it could turn out to be very expensive—both in terms of money and reputation damage control efforts, lowering profits and limiting its ability to attract the best and the brightest. 7. Bad Press: In the days of social media, word gets out fast! Not having appropriate resources in place for those with autism or ADHD can result in negative buzz, and it’s not easy to restore the organizational reputation. 8. Decreased job satisfaction and retention rates: Neurodiversity must be considered when creating job roles for job satisfaction levels to remain high among workers. Otherwise, retention rates could decrease significantly over time if necessary adjustments are not made. I don’t think I have to mention what that does to profitability and its effects on attracting talent. 9. Limited accessibility options: Companies who do not provide reasonable adjustments, such as assistive technology or alternative communication systems, for those with disabilities will face limited accessibility options when trying to onboard new hires with neurological impairments or disabilities. Not something that would please your stakeholders 10. Poor work/life balance for staff members with autism or ADHD: An inability (or unwillingness) on the part of employers to provide reasonable adjustments may result in poor work/life balance. Staff members with autism or ADHD need more flexible hours or workloads adjusted accordingly to thrive professionally. Making accommodations for neurodivergent employees is more than just the right thing. It makes good biz sense. Neurodivergent employees can skyrocket an organization, but management needs to take neurodiversity into consideration and provide the necessary support and accommodations for their neurodivergent employees. Dr. Get in Focus works with businesses and entrepreneurs with neurodivergent team members. He is always willing to have a conversation with you to see if he can help. Check the Top Courses by Jeff Levine.