12 Effective Actions to Reboot Your Life

Actions to Reboot Your Life

Why Reboot Your Life?

For the Get in Focus and Reboot Your Life Workshop click here

So we are only a few weeks into the New Year, and already you have broken your resolutions.  resolutions may not work, so why not try to reboot your life?

Or are you feeling flustered, distracted, or stressed out most of the time?

Does it seem like you are on a treadmill in a life that has detours?
Your mental space is but a reflection of your internal space, physical space, cyberspace, and the space between you and others, otherwise known as your relationships.

Having one of these spaces cluttered and just not feeling well can take away from being in action and attaining your goals. It can make it seem like you are just going around in circles. If there is no free space, there is no room to create. Let's say your goal is to paint a masterpiece, but you cannot find your paint, paintbrushes, or other tools, and there are posters taped to the wall. Or let us say that you have a friend who could help in a project, but you borrowed 20 bucks that you hadn't paid back when you agreed, so you are hesitant to call.

When your messenger thread is filled with pictures of people's food, and your e-mail is filled with offers from Nigerian Billionaires. You don't see the important e-mail from your client. Your own physical, cyber, and relationship clutter is distracting you from taking your business to the level where you can get incredible results. When your mental and emotional space is filled with incomplete relationships, there is no room for you to conjure up those grand plans to transform the world. You gotta free up some space.
So what are the first steps to Reboot your Life? You need to get yourself on a program. Here are your first actions:


1. Get caught up on your correspondence, real and virtual; whom do you need to return an e-mail or call to? Drop a note to someone you have been thinking about but haven't spoken to in a while. You and he/she will appreciate it. These incompletions take up space in your head that could otherwise be used to create.

2. Clean up any past miscommunication and broken agreements. If you made a promise to someone, including yourself, acknowledge to that person that you didn't keep your commitment and see what it takes to move forward. Choose to move forward or not. If you break, make it a clean break.

3. Organize and clean your home, car, and place of work. You want to have your space organized so that it works. You want to get rid of the stuff you don't use and sit in your closet for years. This can get in the way of actually getting something done. You have to know where your tools are and have a defined workflow. Beware of going down the Rabbit Hole of finding something exciting, like your high school yearbook, and spending the next four hours reminiscing through it.

4. Fix any appliances, etc., that need fixing, change any burned-out light bulbs, etc. It can be quite annoying to have a lamp that doesn't work that you keep reaching for to turn on

5. Delete your old e-mails and files, especially the SPAM. The most insidious thing about SPAM is that it clutters your inbox increasing the chances of missing an important e-mail. Amongst those e-mails asking you to invest in some scheme, there may be hiding an inquiry from a prospect.

6. Clean up your social media. Leave groups that you do not participate in, and defriend or unfollow anyone you do not really want to be connected with.   Being in Facebook Groups that you never care to access just clutters your news feed to where you have to search through the clutter to find what is important, why bother?  If your Uncle Oscar keeps posting political conspiracy theories you don't want to hear, unfollow the guy, he won't know the difference.  To reboot your life, you must reboot your social media

For the Get in Focus and Reboot Your Life Workshop click here

7. Delete all the stale and unreal stuff from your calendar…. Priorities change, and your calendar reflects your current priorities.  If you have stuff on your calendar that may reflect old priorities, get rid of it!  Reboot your life by keeping your calendar up to date

8. If you are behind on any bills, make arrangements with your creditors to get caught up. If it has gotten overwhelming, there are options like debt consolidations, but you gotta confront where you really are and deal with it first.  Reboot your life by rebooting your finances

9. Make a list of all those tasks that you are incomplete; you know the ones that, despite the best intentions, you never do! Choose either to do them or not do them. For the ones that you choose to do, put them in your calendar!  Task management is an important part to reboot your life.

10. Have your calendar run your life. When the calendar says to do something, do it. If you are not going to do it, choose not to do it. Reschedule if something comes up, but if you reschedule it more than three times, you must ask yourself if you really are going to do it or if you are just kidding. yourself.  To reboot your life, you have to start being honest with yourself

11. Get a physical exam if you have not had one in the past year. Follow your doctor's instructions. Also, find out your fat percentage and your BMI. Go to the dentist and have your teeth looked at if you haven't been there in a while.

12. Do at least half an hour a day of physical activity. Do I really have to say anything more about this one? Actually, I do, because I myself have difficulty with this one. It's easy to find excuses not to get the half-hour in, but this is negative time spent. This will give you more energy making your daily tasks go faster.  to reboot your life, you must also have a body that works

Get started on these actions and reboot your life, and I can guarantee that your efficiency levels in life will multiply. Oh, and I will be getting started on these with you! Everyone's space needs some cleaning now and then, so don't be afraid to do these actions more than once.

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