Empowering yourself

Women empowerment is a much-debated topic worldwide today. Women have fought a long and hard battle for equal rights, right to education and right to employment. Even though gender discrimination has not yet been fully addressed, we have come a long way from being mere caregivers. A woman’s life is no longer confined to the […]

How to Empower Yourself?

Empowerment is the belief that you can accomplish your goals and have the ability to fulfill your dreams. Empowerment of women is discussed regularly. Education and employment for women have paved the way for the empowerment revolution. But how can you empower yourself? Here is a list of simple but effective ways you can feel […]


There is so much talk about being strong, independent, educated and liberal today. Women have burst into the scene like never before, trying to change norms and break cultural barriers. Yet how many of us feel empowered? Social media dictates how we must perceive ourselves and others. Big companies want us to buy into their […]

Power of Religion

Religion is based on set principles. Principles which are supposed to bring solutions. When solutions failed then new religions came up. Any religion enhancing the survival of one and all is based on almost the same principles. In the past rulers had their own religious guru or teacher to fall back upon. Ruler wanted to […]

The Benefits of Doing Volunteer Work!

The benefits of volunteering are plenty they benefit your family and your community. It can also help to reduce stress, find friends, reach out to the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career. Volunteering and helping others can help you reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. If you […]

Let Seniors Catch Up!

Global Women Power is working on educating the senior citizens. LET SENIORS CATCH UP: Technology has been fast upgrading. Phones, computers and other gadgets at home. Senior citizens struggle to keep up with it. Families are busy explaining it once but more than that ……… Senior citizens are like grown up babies and need TLC […]

Giving it Back to Community!

At Global Women Power we have started our project for teaching Senior Citizens, the basic computer skills for Free. As we felt teaching Senior Citizens is giving back to the community on our part. We are teaching Senior citizens, who are retired, have time on their hand, and cannot catch up with the advancement of […]

Gratitude – The Best Therapy!

Outflow gratitude, it heals, fulfills, and energizes. Many researches are being done to prove the point. You do your own research and find out if it works? If it does then insist on others to follow this too. One man can ignite the chain of gratitude and be that one man. Start chains of people […]

How May I Help You?

The above question is a normal expression for checking out the customer needs. Who is a customer? Is the one who buys goods or services. We all are customers now and then and enjoy the privilege of being served. Being served and being taken care of are two desires which are most sought after. It […]

Creating your Future

Future is going to be the next moment which is not there yet. This moment is not going to change to next moment. Next moment is a new moment. Life goes moment by moment. You have the power of creating next moment. You can decide to do it differently. You can decide to do it […]